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Record SBLD20-21272

Commercial Alteration

Record Status: Finaled with C of O

Expiration Date: 01/02/2023


Work Location


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Inspections (Electronic inspection scheduling is not currently available. Please contact your inspector directly)

Inspections may be requested online but must still be confirmed with your inspector via telephone between 7 and 8 am on regular workdays.

Fred Olsen - 775-353-2328
Jon Pennington - 775-353-1675
JD Kiley - 775-353-1680
Bryce Lallement - 775-353-1691
Jim Lewandowski - 775-353-2444
Jacob Reed - 775-353-2210
Dan Feeney - 775-353-1674
Jim Green - 775-276-6256


You have not added any inspections.



Plans & Documents

The maximum file size allowed is 1000 MB.
ade;adp;bat;chm;cmd;com;cpl;doc;docx;exe;heic;hta;htm;html;ins;isp;jar;js;jse;json;lib;lnk;mde;mht;mhtml;msc;msg;msp;mst;nfo;php;pif;plan;scr;sct;shb;sys;txt;vb;vbe;vbs;vxd;wsc;wsf;wsh;xml are disallowed file types to upload.

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Right Of Way Management

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